Mission Critical Cooling Solutions


Maintaining an optimal temperature is crucial for ensuring the reliability and longevity of equipment. The sheer volume of servers and hardware running 24/7 generates substantial heat, posing significant cooling challenges. However, with Accelsius’ mission critical cooling solutions, these challenges can be effectively managed.

Common Cooling Issues in Data Centers

Heat Density: As data centers grow in size and capacity, the density of heat generated by the equipment increases. Traditional cooling methods often struggle to manage this high heat density, leading to hotspots and potential equipment failure.

Energy Efficiency: Cooling systems can consume a significant portion of a data center’s energy, sometimes accounting for up to 40 percent of total energy usage. Achieving energy-efficient cooling while maintaining optimal performance is a persistent challenge.

Airflow Management: Improper airflow management can lead to uneven cooling, where some areas are overcooled, wasting energy, while others are undercooled, risking overheating. Effective airflow management is critical for consistent and efficient cooling.

Equipment Compatibility: As new, more powerful equipment is integrated into existing data centers, ensuring compatibility with existing cooling systems can be problematic. The need for adaptable and scalable cooling solutions is paramount.

How Accelsius Addresses Cooling Challenges

Accelsius’ Mission Critical Cooling Solution is designed to tackle these common issues with innovative and effective strategies.

Advanced Heat Management: Accelsius employs cutting-edge technology to manage heat density effectively. The solutions include high-efficiency cooling units that can handle the increased heat output of modern data centers. By precisely targeting hotspots, Accelsius ensures that all areas receive the necessary cooling.

Energy-Efficient Solutions: One of the standout features of Accelsius’ mission critical cooling solutions is its focus on energy efficiency. Using advanced algorithms and smart controls, Accelsius optimizes cooling operations to reduce energy consumption without compromising performance. This results in significant cost savings and a lower environmental impact.

Scalable and Adaptable Solutions: Understanding that data centers are constantly evolving, Accelsius offers scalable cooling solutions that can be easily adapted to accommodate new equipment and changing requirements. This flexibility ensures that data centers maintain optimal cooling performance regardless of future changes.

Contact Accelsius to book a mission-critical cooling solution demo.