Our Customers

NeuCool Peace of Mind
for Core and Edge Data Centers

We've Got You Covered

Adding Capacity: Technician loading server into rack - dark
Building new: Server room in data center - dark
At the Edge: Technicians working at top of telecommunications tower -dark

We Solve Challenges for All Industries

AI & Machine Learning

Our cooling technology handles 2200W+ processors with ease, future-proofing GPU cooling for years.
Ai and Machine Learning icon


Our waterless cooling ensures optimal server performance for time-sensitive trading applications. NeuCool ensures continuous operation in high-stakes environments.
Financial icon

Academic & Research

NeuCool's affordability and scalability make it an ideal choice for budget-conscious or project-funded institutions.


Data centers are moving to the edge and telcos need to do more computing without additional power and  water infrastructure. NeuCool uses half the energy of air cooling and can operate with zero facility water.
Telecommunications tower icon


NeuCool offers significant savings with <2-year payback, 59% TCO reduction, and easy deployment suitable for businesses of any size seeking cost-effective, superior cooling.
Enterprise icon


Customers seeking serviceable, high-density solutions choose colocation providers who partner with Accelsius. Colocation service providers can reach out for a demo system.
Colocation icon

We Help Customers Meet Sustainability Goals

Accelsius advances ESG initiatives by cutting energy and water consumption, along with CO2 emissions. Our mission is to provide eco-friendly technology that benefits both clients and the Earth. ​

Customers Meet Sustainability Goals

Got questions?

Let's talk

Contact us to arrange a demo or to learn more about how the safe, sustainable NeuCool System can save operational costs and boost compute performance.

Got questions?

Let's talk

Contact us to arrange a demo or to learn more about how the safe, sustainable NeuCool System can save operational costs and boost compute performance.

We Help You Sharpen Your Edge

  • The NeuCool Platform cuts edge power needs and functions without water, ideal for autonomous data centers with its reliability, redundancy, and remote management
  • Designed for maximum uptime at edge facilities, beginning with durable materials and design, extensive testing, and enhanced by auto failover redundancies
  • Features operational serviceability, supporting a triage method to significantly minimize downtime

We Help You Build New Data Centers

  • Accelsius ensures unmatched delivery speeds in North America through local supply chain and manufacturing, paired with a partner ecosystem for scalable deployment and service
  • We utilize MEP and VAR ecosystem partners to assist data center and edge clients in planning and simulating new operations using 2P DTC technologies

NeuCool Helps You Add Capacity

  • Offers backward compatibility, perfect for hybrid cooling environments, and is customizable to integrate with current infrastructure
  • Enables densification of existing racks by incorporating more workload-centric servers and maximizing rack population
  • Allows for allocation of more limited power to computing rather than to inefficient room-centric cooling systems